Easy Girl Scout Activities Womens History Month

Did you know Women's History Month started as "Women's History Week," a local celebration in Santa Rosa, California? Organizers from the Education Task Force of the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women planned and executed a "Women's History Week" celebration in 1978. They planned the celebration to include March 8, to correspond with International Women's Day. By the following year, Women's History Week was honored in communities all across the country.

In 1987 Congress passed Public Law 100-9, designating March as "Women's History Month". Each president has issued an annual proclamation designating the month of March as Women's History Month since 1995, and the National Women's History Alliance selects and publishes the yearly theme. This year's theme, "Providing Healing, Promoting Hope", is both a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history.

Women Leaders:

While figures such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Lucretia Mott, Antoinette Brown Blackwell, Lucy Stone, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton are often associated with Women's History Month, there are countless extraordinary women who have earned their place at the table. They may have come from diverse backgrounds or had different experiences, but the traits they have in common inspire us to persevere in the face of adversity.

  1. Be Resilient
    Resilience is the quality that allows you to overcome stress and adversity and to come back strong. Leaders keep going when times get tough and inspire others to do the same.
  2. Embrace Humility
    Several research studies have concluded that humble leaders listen more effectively, inspire great teamwork, and focus on organizational goals better than leaders who don't score high on humility.
  3. Play to your strengths
    Focus on cultivating your strengths to build a solid career that is satisfying. Doing the things that bring you joy allows you to be a better, more inspiring leader to others.
  4. Be of service to others
    Help people. Coach your employees, mentor others, even help those above you. Volunteering your time and connecting others with resources are great ways to demonstrate leadership.
  5. Be a Risk-Taker
    Take a leap, speak up, and be kind but convinced in your effort to take a seat at the table.
  6. Find mentors
    A mentor can be of support through your job search, your career transition, your personal issues, or just for advice.
  7. Don't compare yourself to others
    If you catch yourself in the act of comparison, try the exercise where you list all the things going well.
  8. Demonstrate strength with grace and kindness
    Communicate with mindfulness. Give credit to others. Be tough but fair. Listen with the intent to understand.
  9. Offer support not criticism
    Do your fellow females a favor and offer support, not criticism. When you see another woman succeeding, cheer her on!
  10. Take care of yourself
    These past two years have been incredibly strenuous for us all. It's important to not neglect your self-care. Take breaks to exercise, spend time with family and friends, and eat well to have a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
Get your Girl Scouts Involved:

Wondering how you and your girl can celebrate Women's History Month? We've got you covered with excellent ideas!

  1.  Explore the history of women's rights.
    As mentioned, the theme of Women's History Month 2022, is "Providing Healing, Promoting Hope". If you don't know the history of women's rights, now's a perfect time to learn!
  2. Be aware of issues women still face today.
    Although women have made progress, there are still areas where women face obstacles because of their gender. For example, women still earn less on average than men, carry most household responsibilities, face workplace stigmas, and are under-represented in leadership, STEM careers, and politics. Talk with your Girl Scout. Find out the issues they feel the most passionate about and ask them to think about how they can affect change.
  3. Post on social media to spread awareness of Women's History Month.
    You can celebrate by sharing articles, inspiring quotes, and other women-centric content on your social media.
  4. Host an event to celebrate women.
    An event is a fun way to build solidarity with other women. Invite your fierce and fabulous fellow troop members! Some fun ideas to make the event special:
    - Watch movies and/or shows directed by women and with female leads
    - Spin tunes by female artists
    - Have an impromptu fashion show
    - Hand out notes of positive affirmations
    - Start a conversation about what sisterhood means
    - Have everyone write down new year's resolutions to do more to support women
  5. Support women-owned businesses.
    Women-owned businesses are on the rise, but women still represent the minority of business owners. March is a perfect time to show your support with these tenacious entrepreneurs.
  6. Write a thank-you note to a woman that inspires you.
    A few simple words of gratitude can mean a lot. Take the time to show your "she-roes" that you care.
  7. Write yourself a love note.
    While you're at it, spare a few words of praise for yourself; you deserve to be celebrated! We are often our own worst critics.

Who are the women in your life? Are they mothers or sisters? Daughters or friends? What about the women who inspire you? Your teachers or your coaches, your boss, or your co-workers, even high-profile figures? In honor of Women's History Month, we celebrate them today, this month, and always. Their ambition. Their strength. Their courage."At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can." — Frida Kahlo

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Source: https://www.gssc.us/en/about-us/news/2022/women_s_history_mont.html

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